Divorce and Family Law
Imagine that the person with whom you were once in love and with whom you planned to spend the rest of your life is now your adversary. This person is now attempting to take from you the very things that you hold most dear—your children, your property and your money. To varying degrees, this description hold true for every divorce and family case that is filed.
Because these cases can be so emotional and because so much is at stake, you deserve to be represented by an attorney who will guide you through this difficult process with compassion and understanding while providing aggressive and skilled representation to protect what is yours.
We specialize in litigating divorce and family law cases in Worcester, Middlesex and Norfolk counties. Over the years, we have earned our reputation as premiere divorce and family law attorneys in Central Massachusetts.
We handle divorce cases as well as post-divorce modifications, complaints for contempt, custody and visitation cases, restraining orders and removals.
Family Courts in Massachusetts are courts of equity. This means that the fundamental focus of family law judges is always on fairness. Accordingly, family law cases in Massachusetts are extremely fact specific, and effective representation means identifying the facts that will be most important to the particular judge handling your case. This is the approach that we take. We work diligently to identify the facts that will be most compelling to the court and use those facts to achieve a favorable settlement or judgment after trial.
Please contact our office if you would like to schedule an initial consultation. At the initial consultation, we will gather some general information about the facts of your case in order to advise you of your options and your rights. There is no charge for an initial consultation. If you choose to retain our services, we will enter into an hourly fee agreement and you will pay an initial retainer. All retainers are held in our clients’ trust fund account until we have billed against the retainer at our hourly rate.
We strongly believe that a solid attorney-client relationship is built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect. We believe that every client has the right to a divorce lawyer that they trust and respect. We have built our reputation on being a trustworthy source of stability and strength in our divorce and family law clients’ lives at a time when such a source is truly needed.
Please beware of general information posted on the internet about divorce and family law cases. Because these cases are so fact specific, general information can be extremely misleading.